Friday, November 11, 2011

Big News!

It's about a time for an update, wouldn't you say?

The summer flew by-- lots of great tattooing!!  Some big stuff has been going on...

Number 1?
We've welcomed tattooer extraordinaire Daniel Gagné to the shop!  Here are some samples of his work:

You can check out his awesome portfolio of tattoos and paintings at Saving Grace Tattoo's official website.

Alex K'eh and Dan will also be participating in the Black and White Art Show at MTL Tattoo, 4525 St-Denis, Saturdy November 19.  Swing by and check out all the wicked b&w art!

Follow Saving Grace Tattoo on Facebook to stay up to date on the day-to-day happenings around the shop, and keep checking back here for big news and photo updates!